Migrating to Jekyll
12 Jul 2015I always wanted to make this blogsite personal, not just hosted on Wordpress. Finally after experimenting various platforms, I finally made a move to migrate to Jekyll, which is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. Wordpress is great at it’s certain aspects but for me it was too much bells and whistles for the intent of this blogsite. All I needed for my blog site is to do a quick write up and take notes on things I learned. Wordpress is great at certain aspects as it has it’s plug and play features but sometimes doing a simple task takes is much of a overhead and while trying to migrate everything to my own hosted site it was terrible. Hence I decided to give Jekyll a shot. Another feature I like about Jekyll is that it supports Markdown, No more WYSIWYG. A post is just a commit away now and best part is it can be hosted on GitHub for free.
Installing and getting Jekyll was straight forward (If you have RubyGem installed). Once you have barebone version of Jekyll installed and start tinkering with intricates of Jekyll, things get interesting. Not coming from Ruby background it was a bit of learning curve but once you understand fundamental building blocks of Jekyll you can start building your blogsite.
For this blog site, I started with cloning a version of Poole, which gave me a foundational setup for Jekyll site. I was able to integrate Comments via Disqus